
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Homework: November 10

Hello Everyone!

The following week is Parent/Teacher Conferences: November 15th (evening) and November 16th (afternoon).

Here is a message from Carmen Farina regarding Parent/Teacher Conferences.

For Homework: Today we continued to discussed stereotypes and how they impact our interactions with others.  We also continued reading "Monkey See, Monkey Do, Monkey Connect."
We also took time to ask each other get to know your questions.
Level 1:
1. What would be your dream job?

2.What job would you hate to have?  Why?
3. Tell three things about you that you love. **
Level 2: 1. What would be your dream job?
2.What job would you hate to have?  Why?
3. Tell three things you love about your community.**

Level 3:
1. What would be your dream job?

2.What job would you hate to have?  Why?
3.  Tell three things you love about your life.**

**It is important to talk about the things we love and about the things that make us happy.

Folks at home sign: __________________________

Reminder: Complete at least 20 minutes of IXL.  Thank you!

Side Note:  We will be starting an AIS program after school Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  The program will be starting early December once bussing has been arrange.  If you would like to participate, please let me or Ms. Rizzitano know.   Thanks!

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