
Thursday, December 1, 2016

Homework: December 1

Hello Everyone!

Today we started To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee.

For Homework:  Discuss the following sentences with someone at home. 

1.     If some is on trial for murder, they are probably guilty.
2.    I never judge a person based on their appearance
3.    People often fear what they don’t understand.
4.    It is difficult to stand up for something when no one else agrees.
5.    Any set of beliefs is okay, as long as you believe in them sincerely.
6.    Girls should always act like girls.
7.    Laws are designed to make society fair for all its citizens.
8.    Courage is doing what you think is right when the odd of succeeding are against you.
9.    People should always try to understand and tolerate other people, no matter how different they are.
10.  What happened in the past doesn’t have any effect on my life today.
11.     The old saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” is true.

Level 1:  Write down whether or not your agree or disagree with TWO if the sentences above.  Explain your thinking.   Ask a family to share their thinking on ONE sentence.

Level 2: Write down whether or not your agree or disagree with THREE if the sentences above.  Explain your thinking. Ask a family to share their thinking on ONE sentence.

Level 3:  Write down whether or not your agree or disagree with FIVE if the sentences above.  Explain your thinking. Ask a family to share their thinking on ONE sentence.

Folks at home sign: _______________________________

Side Note:  Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.

**AIS will start on December 6th

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