
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Homework: January 17

Hello Everyone! 

Today we continued to discuss the difference between THEN and THAN.

thEn = used for time   

EXAMPLE:  I went to school, then to band practice.

thAn = used to compare   

EXAMPLE: I would rather eat  brussle sprouts than snails.  OR   I am taller than Ms. Asterita.

For Homework:  Complete the sentences below using THEN or THAN

1.     The picture is prettier _______________ the other
2.    I like salad  more _______________ soup.
3.    The game was tied, ______________ our team scored.
4.    If Mario doesn’t want to go, _______________ he should stay home.
5.    It was _______________ that Kirk realized his mistake.
6.    For your chores, you should wash the dog _______________ rake the leaves.
7.    My sister makes better grades _______________ my brother.
8.    This is more important _______________ you think.
9.    If Carrie doesn’t find the library book, _______________ she must pay a fine.
10.  Today was hotter _______________ we thought it would be.

Level 1:  Complete sentences : 1, 2, 6, 7
Level 2: Complete sentences: 3, 4, 9, 10
Level 3: Complete sentences: 4, 5, 8, 9,  

Folks at home sign please: _____________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.

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