
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Summer Homework

Hello Everyone!  

Thank you again for an amazing summer!

For homework:  Take this time to self reflect and to refocus. 

Below is a list of ten activities.  Pick at least one activity a day.  Keep track of the activities you are participate in daily.  You can either do the same activity or try something new each day.  You can do these activities alone or with someone from home.

1. Read an article from a magazine/newspaper alone or with someone from home. Answer the following question: Name of the article? Who wrote the article? Two sentences to describe what you read  
2. Watch a documentary on a topic you are interested in.
3. Follow a recipe a make a meal for you and someone else
4. Take a walk around your neighborhood with a friend or family member during different times of day.  Take a picture during each walk and see how the photos vary depending on the time of day.
5. Look up a country and answer the following questions: Who is the leader? What is their total population?  What language is spoken? What is the most popular dish?
6. Write a letter to someone you haven't spoken to in a while.  
7. Create a DIY book/blog/video for something you are really good at making.
8. Eat something new.
9.  Meditate for ten minutes, you can follow a podcast from here 
10. Listen to a podcast from NPR.

Enjoy your summer!

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