
Monday, September 11, 2017

Homework: September 11th

Hello Everyone!

Happy happy Monday!

Today we discussed fact and opinion.  Work with someone at home to answer the following questions.

Level 1:

A fact is:     something that can be proven               something that you think

An opinion is:         something that can be proven               something that you think

Read the statements below.  Decide if the statement is a fact of an opinion.

1. There are 12 months in a year.    FACT      OPINION 
2. Hurricane Irma hit Florida.      FACT      OPINION 
3. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is the best book.    FACT      OPINION 
4.   Junior is from Spokane Reservation in Washington.      FACT      OPINION 
5.  The Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian are known as the three major oceans.     FACT      OPINION 

Level 2: 
What is a fact?
What is an opinion?
Read the statements below.  Decide if the statement is a fact of an opinion.

1. There are 12 months in a year.    FACT      OPINION 
2. Hurricane Irma hit Florida.      FACT      OPINION 
3. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is the best book.    FACT      OPINION 
4.   Junior is from Spokane Reservation in Washington.      FACT      OPINION 
5.  The Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian are known as the three major oceans.     FACT      OPINION 

Level 3: 
What is a fact?  Give one example.
What is an opinion?  Give one example.
Read the statements below.  Decide if the statement is a fact of an opinion.

1. There are 12 months in a year.    FACT      OPINION 
2. Hurricane Irma hit Florida.      FACT      OPINION 
3. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is the best book.    FACT      OPINION 
4.   Junior is from Spokane Reservation in Washington.      FACT      OPINION 
5.  The Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian are known as the three major oceans.     FACT      OPINION 

Folks at home please sign: _______________________

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