
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Homework: January 31

Last day of January!

For homework:  Work with someone from home to answer the questions below.

Level 1: Answer questions 1 and 2.

Level 2: Answer questions 3 and 4 and 5.

Level 3: Answer questions 1-5.

In the shapes below, write if the shapes are congruent, similar, or neither.

Congruent: Same shape and same size
Similar: Same shape but not the same size 

Folks at home please be sure to sign:_________________________

Monday, January 29, 2018

Homework: January 29

Hello Everyone!

Tomorrow we will be starting our new schedule as well as a new book: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.

For homework tonight: ALL LEVELS

Self reflect:
1. What is one thing you learned this semester (it can be from any class, from a friend, from someone at home)?
2. What is something you are looking forward to in the Spring Semester?
3. What is one goal you have for yourself?  

Level 2 and 3: In addition to the questions above
4. What is one goal you have for your school community?
5. What is one goal your have for your home community? 

Folks at home please sign: ______________

 Side Note: I will be teaching STEM Algebra next semester!

Friday, January 26, 2018

Homework: January 26th

Hello Everyone.,

For Homework:  Today we talked about trust and its role in the Holocaust.

Level 1: 
1. How do you build trust in your family?
2. How do you build trust at work?

Level 2: 
1. Why is trust important in a family/relationship?
2. Why is trust important in the work place?

Level 3:
1. Once trust is broken, can it be repaired?  Why or why not?
If yes, how?

2. How does trust in the workplace affect you?

Folks at home please sign: ________________

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Homework: January 25th

Hello Everyone!

Today we talked about the importance of trust.

For homework: Work with someone at home to answer the following questions.

Level 1:
1. What is trust?
2. Who is some your trust?
3. Who is someone you SHOULD NOT trust?

Level 2:
1. What is trust?
2. What is trust important?
3. Explain why trust is important in the workplace.

Level 3:
1. Why is trust important?
2. What role does trust place in times of need like the Holocaust?
3. What can we do to build trust with others?

Folks at home please sign: ________________

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Homework: January 23

Hello All!

Today we discussed choices.  Everyday we have to make different choices.

For Homework:
Work with someone at home.  Ask your family member the following questions.

Read each statement.  Circle your choice.

1.     Would you rather:
A. go to jail for 4 years for a crime you did not commit                        
B. get away with a horrible crime and have terrible guilt

2.    Would you rather 
A. lose all of your money             
B.  lose all of your pictures

3.    Would you rather:  be locked in a room for a week that is in
A. darkness         
B. light

Level 1: What are three choices you make daily?
Level 2: What are four choices you make daily?
Level 3: What are five choices you make daily? 

Folks at home please sign: __________________

Monday, January 22, 2018

Homework: January 22

Hello All,

Today we worked on Found Poetry.  Found poetry is when we take a piece of text and block out words we do not want others to read, leaving out own message.

For Homework:

Level 1: Create a poster with a message you think all should know!
Level 2: Create a collage with using text found using newspaper headlines and magazines.
Level 3:  Use a newspaper article to create your own Found Poetry.

Image result for found poetry

Folks at home please sign: _________

Friday, January 19, 2018

Homework: January 19th

Hello Everyone!

For homework:Moments of meditation.

Level 1:  Set a timer for 2 minutes.  See if you can sit quietly for 2 minutes without any interruptions. Allow your mind to drift and to be aware of your surroundings. 

Level 2:  Set a timer for 3 minutes.  See if you can sit quietly for 3 minutes without any interruptions. Allow your mind to drift and to be aware of your surroundings. 

Level 3:  Set a timer for 4 minutes.  See if you can sit quietly for 4 minutes without any interruptions. Allow your mind to drift and to be aware of your surroundings. 

Folks at home please sign: ____________

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Homework: January 18

Hello everyone!

For Homework: Work with someone at home to make a list of everyday things you NEED.  Ask someone from home to also make a list.

Level 1: How does your list look the same as your family's list?  How does it look different?  Which item is the most important to you?

Level 2: Sort the items on your list using the categories below.  How does your list compare to your family member's list?  Which category do you think is the most important?  Why?

Level 3:  Sort the items on your list using the categories below.  How does your list compare to your family member's list?  Which category do you think is the most important?  Why?  The least important? Why?

Folks at home please sign: _________________


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Homework: January 17th

Hello Everyone!

For homework:  Vocabulary Work

Level 1: Label the Pictures
Level 2: Match the word to the meaning
Level 3: Please complete the matching and label the pictures.

Folks at home please sign: ________________

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Homework: January 16th

Hello everyone!
I hope you had a restful weekend.  Today we will begin interviewing the off-sites. 

For Homework:  If you were given $100, what would you buy?  Many people in the Holocaust were poor.  They have little money and have to decide what they would buy/trade with the little amount of money they did have.

Level 1: Make a list of the things you would buy for $100.  Pick on thing you would buy and explain why you buy it.

Level 2: Make a list of the things you would buy for $100.  Explain your reasoning for each item.

Level 3: Make a list of the things you would buy for $100.  Look up the price of each item and see if you could afford it.  If you can, how much money would you have left over.

Folks at home please sign: ______________

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Homework: January 11

Hello Everyone!

For homework yesterday to I asked you to create a family tree.

For homework tonight: Please ask a family member (preferably  an adult: aunt, uncle, parent, grandparent) to share a family story.

Level 1: Ask the family member to help you write down the family story.  Be ready to tell your story class. Create an image to go along with the story shared by your family member.

Level 2: Write down the story the family member shares with you.  Revise and edit your writing to make sure it makes sense to the reader.

Level 3: Write down the story the family member shares with you.  Revise and edit your writing to make sure it makes sense to the reader.  Create an image to go along with the story shared by your family member.

Folks at home please sign: _________________

Please complete your IXL/MyOn assignments for your other classes.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Homework: January 10th

Hello All!

Today we worked understanding the relationships found in Maus.   Maus is Art's father's story of the Holocaust.  Maus also uncovers the relationship between Art and his father Vladek.

For Homework: All Levels!

Work with a family member to create your family tree. Remember, family do not always have to mean connected by blood.

Level 1: Please include as many family members as you can.  
Level 2: Please include as many family members as you can.  Please label your family tree.

Level 3: Please include as many family members as you can.  Please label your family tree and include location (where does your family live?).

Please remember to complete your IXL/MyOn for you classes.

Folks at home please sign: _______________

Monday, January 8, 2018

Homework: January 8th and 9th

Hello Everyone!

This month we are reading Maus by Art Spiegelman.  Art collected information from his father through various interviews and used his father's stories as the basis for Maus.  Last week, I asked you to interview someone from home.  I look forward to reading what your families have to say. 

For Homework: People watch!  We can gather a lot of information just from watching and observing. 

Pick a time you can spend 5 minutes on both Monday and Tuesday to people watch.
For example: at 4:00 pm on both Monday and Tuesday, while you are on the bus, you spend 5 minutes watching those on the bus with you. 

Level 1:  What do you see on Monday?  What do you see on Tuesday?

Level 2: What do you see on Monday?  What do you see on Tuesday?  Are there any similarities?  Difference?

Level 3: What do you see on Monday?  What do you see on Tuesday?  What are people saying? Doing? Are there any similarities?  Difference?

Please complete 15 minutes of IXL/MyOn daily.

Folks at home please sign: _______________________

Friday, January 5, 2018

Homework: January 5

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a safe and healthy Snow Day!

For homework: Interview someone from home using the questions below.

Level 1:
1. What is one thing you like about yourself?
2. What is one thing you would like to learn how to do?
3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Level 2:
1. What is one thing you admire about yourself?
2. What is one thing you would like to learn how to do and why?
3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Level 3:
1. What do you admire about yourself, why?
2. What is one thing you would like to learn how to do and why?
3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? Who would you take with you?
4. If you could have any job in the world, what job would you have?

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL/MyOn daily.

Folks at home please sign: _________________

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Homework: Jan 3

Happy New Year Everyone!

Yesterday I was out of building and did not post homework.

This month we will be reading Maus by Art Spiegelman (this book will replace Night this year).

Maus tells the story of Spiegelman's father life during the Holocaust.  Spiegelman interviewed his father to gain information used in Maus.  He even states that he and his father did not always agree, but he felt it was important to have his story shared.

For Homework:  Interview someone from home, family or friend, who is older than 18.  Ask the person to tell a story from their childhood.

Level 1: Use the 5W chart to ask about a childhood story.

Level 2: Write down the story your person has shared. Be sure to include details like time, location, conflict, resolution.

Level 3:  Write down the story your person has shared.  Be sure to ask (and write down) how this event impacted the person's life.

Folks at home please sign:

Please complete 15 minutes of IXL/MyOn daily.