
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Homework: Feb. 6

Hello everyone!

For Homework: Work with someone at home to complete the problem below.

Level 1:  Guy Montag has a TV that is 10 feet long and 10 feet high.  
 Label the angles of the TV A,B,C,D in order.
Draw a diagonal line from angle A to angle C cutting the TV in half.

1.    Classify the triangle you created by its angles and its sides.
a.   ANGLE: ______________________________
b.  SIDES: ______________________________

Level 2:  The walls of Guy Montag’s living room are large square televisions.   The TV is 10 feet long and 10 feet high. 
Draw the TV in the space below.  Label the TV with the correct measurements.  Label the angles of the TV A,B,C,D in order.
Draw a diagonal line from angle A to angle C cutting the TV in half.

1.    Classify the triangle you created by its angles and its sides.
a.   ANGLE: ______________________________
b.  SIDES: ______________________________

Level 3: The walls of Guy Montag’s living room are large square televisions.  Families talk to the characters in shows as if they are members of the TV cast.  One TV is 10 feet long and 10 feet high. 
Draw the TV in the space below.  Label the TV with the correct measurements.  Label the angles of the TV A,B,C,D in order.
Draw a diagonal line from angle A to angle C cutting the TV in half.

1.    Classify the triangle you created by its angles and its sides.
a.   ANGLE: ______________________________
b.  SIDES: ______________________________

Folks at home please sign: __________________________

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