
Monday, July 9, 2018

Summer: Week 2

Hello Everyone!

For homework:  Each night pick one activity from your level to complete. 

Level 1:
1. Identify and write down the value of each of the coins below. 

2. Ms. Irene found 3 dimes and 2 pennies.  How much money does she have?  Draw a picture to support your answer.
3. Mr. Kane found 5 nickels and 2 dimes.  How much money does he have?  Draw a picture to support your answer.
4.  Complete the pennies IXL
5. Complete the Pennies and Nickels IXL
6. Complete the Pennies, Nickels, and Dimes IXL

Level 2:
1. What coins add up to 90 cents?  Give two different coin combinations
2. What coins add up to 45 cents?  Give two different coin combinations
3. Ms. Irene have 75 cents.  She gives Mr. Kane 50 cents.  How much does Ms. Irene have left?  What coins could she have?
4. Money Word Problems-IXL
5. Do you have enough?-IXL
6. Count Money-IXL

Level 3:
1. Ms. Tuck has 2 quarters, 3 dimes, and 6 pennies.  She wants to buy a pack of gum for 85 cents.  How much money does she have?  Does she have enough money for the pack of gum?
2. How many pennies are in a dollar?  How many nickels are in a dollar?  How many dimes are in a dollar? How many quarters are in a dollar?
3. For every math class you earn one quarter.  How much money should you earn in one week?
4. Count Money-IXL
5. Compare money-IXL
6. Exchange money-IXL

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