
Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31

Good morning everyone!

I hope you had an amazing weekend (despite the rain).

This week we are going to start a new text, Letter from a Birmingham Jail, by Martin Luther King, Jr.

For homework:

To start off this week I want you to listen to this NPR RadioLab Podcast I Need A Hero.

As you listen answer the following questions:

1.) What makes a hero?

2.) Who do you consider a hero?

3.) Was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. a hero?

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Homework: March 27 and 28

Hello everyone!

Today we practiced working with scripts and reading dialogue.

The process we used is called Readers Theater.

Thursday Homework:

Complete the quotation quiz located here: Quotation Marks

Write your answers on a sheet to hand it OR comment in the section below.  Check your work after you have completed the assignment.

**Try to do it without peeking at the answer.

Friday Homework:
Practice your part of the interview.  The more you practice, the better you will read.  Get your family and friends involved to have them help you practice.  Who knows, maybe the best interview will get a prize...

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Homework March 25 and 26

Hello everyone!!

I hope you all had a wonderful day today.
Just as a reminder, I will be out Wednesday.

If you have any questions please feel free to comment below, send a note, or speak to me throughout the day.

Homework Tuesday and Wednesday are posted below.

This week we are working quotation marks and the discussing the author's use of dialogue within a text.

Tuesday, March 25
Answer the questions below.  You may submit your work in the comment section OR turn your work in during class.

1.) When do we use quotation marks?
2.) Do quotation marks for BEFORE or AFTER the punctuation?
3.) How do we know someone new is speaking?
4.) Name one reason authors use dialogue in their writing?

Wednesday, March 26
You may submit your homework in the comment section OR turn your work in during class.

Practice Exercise

Properly insert quotation marks, commas, and endmarks into these sentences.
1.Wow Those are terrific pictures exclaimed James
2.My sister would like to go to the movies with us said Gina May she
3.This summer promises continued Roger to be a very memorable one for sure
4.Would you care for another slice of pizza asked Mom
5.Why did you say I'm better than she is

Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday, March 24

Hello everyone,

I hope you had a safe weekend!

Happy belated birthday as well!

Today we discussed the comparison Preston makes between HIV and Ebola.

Monday Homework:

Look at this link to prepare your self for this weeks class discussions.

Infection: HIV and AIDS

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Homework: March 19, 20, 21

Hello everyone!  

I hope you all had a wonderful day.  It was really great to see your families yesterday and Monday.  

You should all be proud of all your hard work.

For homework:

Wednesday:  Today you read an article discussing new rules for school lunches.   We discussed the importance of maintaing a healthy body and why we need our bodies healthy to fight off infection. 

Homework:  Please create a healthy lunch menu.  Be sure to include all the elements of a well-balanced lunch.  Use the link below for additional support. 

Guide to healthy eating habits

Thursday:  Today we discussed Typhoid Mary.  

Victim or Villain?  Do you think Mary Mallon was at fault?  Write a sentence (or paragraph) stating whether or not you believe Mary is innocent.  Defend your opinion using evidence from class. 

You may use this website for assistance:  Villain or Victim

If you want to learn more check out these links
The Most Horrible Seaside Vacation
Hot to Get to North Brother Island
Radio Broadcast (two parts) Click on link to listen to each part.

Answer the following questions:
1.) What stops a virus from spreading?
2.) Do you think viruses are needed to maintain the human population?
3.) What stopped AIDS from destroying the human population?

Monday, March 17, 2014

Homework for March 17 and 18

Good Morning Everyone!!

Just a reminder: Open school night is TONIGHT!  Tomorrow is Parent/Teacher conference.  

I hope to see you all here. 

Homework Monday, March 17:  RadioLab

For tonight's homework, listen to the RadioLab podcast  An Equation for Good
Answer the following questions:
* If the world is so cruel, how do we account for kindness? 

1.) Who is Charles Darwin?

2.) Why does people sacrifice their own happiness for others?

3.) Darwin is known for  his theory of "Natural Selection," but what role do viruses play in evolution?

Homework Tuesday, March 18: RadioLab

For tonight's homework, listen to the RadioLab podcast  The Most Horrible Seaside Vacation

Answer the following questions:

1.) Who is Typhoid Mary?

2.) Where does the story take place?

3.) When does the story take place?

4.) Why was Mary considered to be dangerous?

HOW TO TURN IN HOMEWORK: You can submit your homework by commenting below OR by handing in your work during class.

Any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Homework for March 13 and 14

Hel-lo Class!

Just a reminder!!! Open school night is Monday, March 17.  I hope to see you all.

Homework for Thursday:
Read the article below.  Answer the questions that follow.

L.I. Hospital: Reused Insulin Pen Part May Mean Hepatitis, HIV Risk For Patients

1.) What is the name of the article?
2.) What is the date of the article?
3.) What is the problem?
4.) How would you feel if you got the letter?

5.) How is the hospital going to fix the problem?
6.) What is the hospital offering? 

Homework for Friday:
Listen to the NPR RabioLab podcast  The Good Show. Answer the questions below.

1.) What does it mean to be selfless?
2.) Why do people help others in times of need?
3.) In response to the events on March 12, what would you do to help?

4.) Do we always have to fight to succeed?
5.) Is there a reward in working together?
6.) Are viruses needed in order to weed out the weak?

Monday, March 10, 2014

Homework for March 10-12

Hello everyone, 

I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

Below is your homework for March 10-12.

If you have any questions please ask me in class OR post in the comment section below.

As always, you may submit homework by commenting below, or in class.

Monday and Tuesday: How do viruses work  
Use the image to complete your homework.

Monday- What is the life cycle of a virus?
Tuesday: Create your own poster comparing a virus to something else.

For example:  A virus is like a bully.  Once you get one you feel tired and defeated.  (If you like you may use this analogy, but make the poster your own!).

Wednesday: Listen to the RadioLab podcast.

When is this podcast from?

What is a parasite?

Can people be considered a parasite?  Why or why not?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Homework for March 4-March 7

Hello Everyone!

I missed you all today but I do hope that you had an amazing day!

For homework:  I am posting links to NPR podcasts, all on the Ebola virus.  On Monday I asked to you listen (or read) the article using a snake virus to help learn more about the Ebola Virus.

After each podcast answer the following question:

1.)  What is the title of the podcast?

2.) When is the podcast from?

3.) Name two things you found interesting

4.) What would you like to learn more about?

A Little extra: 5.) Look at the dates of each article, what happens as we approach more current news?


Promising New Treatment for the Deadly Ebola Virus,

Ebola Treatment Works In Monkeys, Even After Symptoms Appear 


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to comment below or speak to me during class. 

Homework can be submitted in class or in the comment section below.

Monday, March 3, 2014

March 3

Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone is doing well.

Here is the homework for tonight.

Read/listen to the following article

How A Virus In Snakes Could Offer Clues To Ebola In Humans

1.) Why was it important that scientist could separate what was boa and what wasn't (if it is not boa, what must it be?)

2.) How does the boa sickness help teach us about the Ebola virus?