
Monday, March 17, 2014

Homework for March 17 and 18

Good Morning Everyone!!

Just a reminder: Open school night is TONIGHT!  Tomorrow is Parent/Teacher conference.  

I hope to see you all here. 

Homework Monday, March 17:  RadioLab

For tonight's homework, listen to the RadioLab podcast  An Equation for Good
Answer the following questions:
* If the world is so cruel, how do we account for kindness? 

1.) Who is Charles Darwin?

2.) Why does people sacrifice their own happiness for others?

3.) Darwin is known for  his theory of "Natural Selection," but what role do viruses play in evolution?

Homework Tuesday, March 18: RadioLab

For tonight's homework, listen to the RadioLab podcast  The Most Horrible Seaside Vacation

Answer the following questions:

1.) Who is Typhoid Mary?

2.) Where does the story take place?

3.) When does the story take place?

4.) Why was Mary considered to be dangerous?

HOW TO TURN IN HOMEWORK: You can submit your homework by commenting below OR by handing in your work during class.

Any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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