
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Homework for March 4-March 7

Hello Everyone!

I missed you all today but I do hope that you had an amazing day!

For homework:  I am posting links to NPR podcasts, all on the Ebola virus.  On Monday I asked to you listen (or read) the article using a snake virus to help learn more about the Ebola Virus.

After each podcast answer the following question:

1.)  What is the title of the podcast?

2.) When is the podcast from?

3.) Name two things you found interesting

4.) What would you like to learn more about?

A Little extra: 5.) Look at the dates of each article, what happens as we approach more current news?


Promising New Treatment for the Deadly Ebola Virus,

Ebola Treatment Works In Monkeys, Even After Symptoms Appear 


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to comment below or speak to me during class. 

Homework can be submitted in class or in the comment section below.

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