
Thursday, January 11, 2018

Homework: January 11

Hello Everyone!

For homework yesterday to I asked you to create a family tree.

For homework tonight: Please ask a family member (preferably  an adult: aunt, uncle, parent, grandparent) to share a family story.

Level 1: Ask the family member to help you write down the family story.  Be ready to tell your story class. Create an image to go along with the story shared by your family member.

Level 2: Write down the story the family member shares with you.  Revise and edit your writing to make sure it makes sense to the reader.

Level 3: Write down the story the family member shares with you.  Revise and edit your writing to make sure it makes sense to the reader.  Create an image to go along with the story shared by your family member.

Folks at home please sign: _________________

Please complete your IXL/MyOn assignments for your other classes.

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