
Monday, January 8, 2018

Homework: January 8th and 9th

Hello Everyone!

This month we are reading Maus by Art Spiegelman.  Art collected information from his father through various interviews and used his father's stories as the basis for Maus.  Last week, I asked you to interview someone from home.  I look forward to reading what your families have to say. 

For Homework: People watch!  We can gather a lot of information just from watching and observing. 

Pick a time you can spend 5 minutes on both Monday and Tuesday to people watch.
For example: at 4:00 pm on both Monday and Tuesday, while you are on the bus, you spend 5 minutes watching those on the bus with you. 

Level 1:  What do you see on Monday?  What do you see on Tuesday?

Level 2: What do you see on Monday?  What do you see on Tuesday?  Are there any similarities?  Difference?

Level 3: What do you see on Monday?  What do you see on Tuesday?  What are people saying? Doing? Are there any similarities?  Difference?

Please complete 15 minutes of IXL/MyOn daily.

Folks at home please sign: _______________________

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