
Monday, October 21, 2013

Oct 21

Hello Hello,

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

For Homework:

Symbolism is when writers use animals, elements, things, places, or colors to represent other things.  When you understand the symbol being used, you connect its meaning to the story you are reading and understand the story on a deeper level.

Here are some examples of symbols used in literature:

In movies, the good guy often wears white (Luke Skywalker).  White is a symbol for goodness.

The bad guy (like Darth Vader) often times wears black.  Black is a symbol for evil.

Purple is thought to symbolize royalty.  It used to be that only kings and queens could wear the color purple.

What do you think the colors   GOLD  and  BLUE symbolize?

How are the colors GOLD, ORANGE, RED and YELLOW used in Grapes of Wrath?

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