
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Oct 7-9

Hello Class!

This week we have talked about Point of View, Narrator, and Character Traits.

We discussed how point of view provides the reader with information and how the meaning of the text can change because of the point of view.

We discussed how the Narrator is the person telling the story and how the narrator can be a character in the story (like in Bunnicula) or outside the story (like in the Grapes of Wrath).

Today we discussed the importance of character traits.  Character traits are determined by what the character says and does and what other characters say about the character.

*This is an important idea because what we do and say determines what other think about us.

For homework:
Read the following quote

“The quality of owning freezes you forever in "I," and cuts you off forever from the "we.”
John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath  

What does this quote mean?
Hint: Think about what it means to be part of a  "we" and what it means to say "I"

Next Steps:
Friday there will be a quiz on the topics covered in class this week.  Please look on the blog tomorrow for a study guide for tomorrow's quiz. 

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