
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Dec. 18-20

For homework:

Wednesday:  Three word challenge.  Make the sentences more complex by adding THREE more words.  Be sure the sentences make sense after your revisions (All sentences come from To Kill A Mockingbird).

For example:   Atticus reached out and rubbed Jem's hair.
Revised:  As we walked, Atticus reached out and rubbed Jem's hair

1.)  Atticus said it was polite to talk to people.

2.) They were not the men I saw last night.

3.) A flash of plain fear was going out of his eyes.

Thursday: Word outta order.  Re-write the sentences so they make sense to the reader (All sentences come from To Kill A Mockingbird).

For example: Hot shot embarrassment through me: I had leaped into people a ring I did not know. 
Revised"  Hot embarrassment shot through me: I had leaped into a ring of people I did not know.

1.)  He Jem yanked nearly off his feet.

2.) Jem stayed moody and silent a week for. 

3.) The second grade was bad as as the first, worse only.

Friday:  Read over the text for next month.  I will post information over break that may be useful as you prepare for next month!

BE SAFE!  Message me if you have any questions.

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