
Monday, December 16, 2013

December 16-17

Hello everyone!

I hope you had a pleasant weekend.  Below you will find your homework assignments for the week.  

In class we are working on final projects based on the book To Kill A Mockingbird.  Friday will be presentation day!

If you have any questions about the homework, please do not hesitate to ask.  

Monday: Dec. 16  
Edit the sentences (all sentences are from TKAM-Chapter 29)

1.) he was still leaning against the wal.

2.) His Face was as white as his hans, but for a shadow on his chin

3.) When i pointed to him his palms slipped slightly, leaving greasy sweat streaks on
the wall, and he hooked his thumbs in his belt?

4.) hey, Boo, I said

Tuesday: Dec. 17
Put the sentences in order (sentences come from TKAM- Chapter 30)

“Won’t you have a seat, Mr. Arthur? This rocking-chair’s nice and comfortable.”
Yes, a right pretty spell.
My small fantasy about him was alive again: he would be sitting on the porch... 
right pretty spell we’re having, isn’t it, Mr. Arthur?
Boo would feel more comfortable in the dark.

Feeling slightly unreal, I led him to the chair farthest 
from Atticus and Mr. Tate.
It was in deep shadow. 

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