
Monday, January 27, 2014

Homework week: Jan. 27-31

Hello Everyone!  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  

Folks at home:  The homework that is seen below has also been sent home to each of the students.  

If you have any questions please feel free to call or comment below. 

Below is the homework for the week.  You may complete the homework online at or turn in a hard copy in class.

Name five jobs that require you to work in a group.  What is the group work that is required?
Write three reasons why someone might be intimidated to conference with a classmate.  Then write three reasons why shouldn’t be intimidated.
Edit the sentences.
Add details to the sentences.
Model a new sentence after an inspiring sentence. Pick three sentences from a book or magazine and make it your own.

For Wednesday:  Use the editor checklist to edit the sentences. 
Directions: Correct the errors in the following sentences. One sentence does not have any errors.
Example: I are very happy. à I am very happy.
1. My head hurt. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. When we gonna eat? ____________________________________________________________________________
3. He don’t like vegetables.  ____________________________________________________________________________
4. Me favorite color are blue. ____________________________________________________________________________
5. She does her homework every night.  ____________________________________________________________________________
6. I leaving now. ____________________________________________________________________________
For Thursday:  Use location, adjectives, and the WHY to add details to the sentences.
  For example: She was a calculator. à
Annie was known as a calculator, she could classify over 3 stars a minute.

1.) Annie Cannon went to school. ________________________________________________________

2.) Annie classified stars. ________________________________________________________

3.) Annie was deaf. ________________________________________________________

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Homework: Jan. 21-24

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful and safe weekend.  

This week we are going to be reading the text of Annie Jump Cannon.  Each day we will use the text in a different way.

Tuesday- Cloze sentences- to build comprehension
Wednesday- Analyzing the text by comparing it to others
Thursday- Using other text to better understand Classifying the Stars
Friday- Using Classifying the Stars as a mentor text to structure our own writing.

Below you will find the homework for the week.   Students and folks at home, if you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call or comment below.  

How to turn in homework: You may either complete your homework online and submit it in the comment section below or you may turn in a hard copy of the assignment.  In both cases, PLEASE include your name, class and date.

Thank you!
Ms. Tuck

Share a memory about looking at the stars.
Write your own origin story.
Have you ever been to a planetarium? What can you expect to learn from a planetarium?
Do you believe in astrological signs?  What is your sign, do you think it affects you and who you are?

Monday, January 6, 2014

Homework: Jan. 6-10

Good Morning!

I hope everyone had a safe and fun snow day!  I am glad to see everyone back on our first full week of the new year!

Below is the homework for the week.  Please do not hesitate to ask any questions.  You can either hand in your homework in class or post in the comment section below.  If you do comment below, please just post the date of the homework you are submitting.

Thank you!

Each homework assignment is an extension from the days lesson.  It is important that you have an understanding of each days lesson in order to complete the assignment.


1. How do we classify stars?

2. Why does the stars brightness matter?

3.What is the oldest stars color?

4. What is the newest stars color?
Complete the L section on the KWL chart (What I Learned)
Complete a double entry journal page about a television show you watch or a song you listen to today. 
Develop two more topics based on what you find yourself thinking about and three questions for each topic.
Find out 5 new pieces of information and tell whether it was first hand information or second hand information.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Jan. 2 - 3


I hope everyone had a safe and restful break! 

As we welcome the new year it is important to set goals that we hope to achieve.  We want to use each day as a way to learn and grow.

For Homework: Below is homework for Jan 2 and Jan 3.  We are starting a new text and this will serve as an introduction to Annie Cannon and her work

January 2: 
Go outside and look at the stars (I know it is hard with the city lights).  What do you notice about the stars?  Do some look brighter than others?  Are some in a shape or design?  Do you think the stars have meanings or stories?

January 3:
Go to the site  

Answer the following questions:

What do the colors of the stars mean?
What color is a new star?  
What color is an old star?
What stars are the hottest? 
What starts are the coldest?