
Monday, January 27, 2014

Homework week: Jan. 27-31

Hello Everyone!  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  

Folks at home:  The homework that is seen below has also been sent home to each of the students.  

If you have any questions please feel free to call or comment below. 

Below is the homework for the week.  You may complete the homework online at or turn in a hard copy in class.

Name five jobs that require you to work in a group.  What is the group work that is required?
Write three reasons why someone might be intimidated to conference with a classmate.  Then write three reasons why shouldn’t be intimidated.
Edit the sentences.
Add details to the sentences.
Model a new sentence after an inspiring sentence. Pick three sentences from a book or magazine and make it your own.

For Wednesday:  Use the editor checklist to edit the sentences. 
Directions: Correct the errors in the following sentences. One sentence does not have any errors.
Example: I are very happy. à I am very happy.
1. My head hurt. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. When we gonna eat? ____________________________________________________________________________
3. He don’t like vegetables.  ____________________________________________________________________________
4. Me favorite color are blue. ____________________________________________________________________________
5. She does her homework every night.  ____________________________________________________________________________
6. I leaving now. ____________________________________________________________________________
For Thursday:  Use location, adjectives, and the WHY to add details to the sentences.
  For example: She was a calculator. à
Annie was known as a calculator, she could classify over 3 stars a minute.

1.) Annie Cannon went to school. ________________________________________________________

2.) Annie classified stars. ________________________________________________________

3.) Annie was deaf. ________________________________________________________

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