
Monday, January 6, 2014

Homework: Jan. 6-10

Good Morning!

I hope everyone had a safe and fun snow day!  I am glad to see everyone back on our first full week of the new year!

Below is the homework for the week.  Please do not hesitate to ask any questions.  You can either hand in your homework in class or post in the comment section below.  If you do comment below, please just post the date of the homework you are submitting.

Thank you!

Each homework assignment is an extension from the days lesson.  It is important that you have an understanding of each days lesson in order to complete the assignment.


1. How do we classify stars?

2. Why does the stars brightness matter?

3.What is the oldest stars color?

4. What is the newest stars color?
Complete the L section on the KWL chart (What I Learned)
Complete a double entry journal page about a television show you watch or a song you listen to today. 
Develop two more topics based on what you find yourself thinking about and three questions for each topic.
Find out 5 new pieces of information and tell whether it was first hand information or second hand information.

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