
Monday, September 26, 2016

Homework: Sept. 26

Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Today we discussed memories and how our memories at times can make us feel alone.  But when we share our memories, we realize that others have similar experiences.

For Homework:  For tonight's homework, please work with someone from home. Below are a list of prompts.  Depending on your level, pick prompts to answer.    Each person should share a sentence or two.  How are your memories similar?  How are you memories different?


Favorite school experience

A time you felt free

First crush

First heartbreak

A memory about your best friend

A time you felt proud

A time you felt scared

A time you felt loved

A time you felt alone

A time you wanted to run away

A time you stood up for yourself

A time you stood up for others

Level 1: Pick three to talk about.  Please write down how your memories are the same.

Level 2:  Pick five to talk about.  Please write down how your memories are the same.  How are they different?

Level 3:  Pick seven to talk about.  Please write down how your memories are the same.  How are they different? Which memory shocked you?  Why?

Folks at home sign please: ______________________________


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