
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Homework: March 28th

Hello Everyone!

Today we talked about cause and effect.  Last week we discussed Problem Trees.  This week, we are going to discuss Healing Trees.

A Healing Tree is a way to identify something that is going well for you or your community.

For example:  One great thing I see in my community is Teachers Working Together

One cause: Teachers respect each other and the work that we do
One effect: We share ideas and help each other create better lessons.

For Homework:  Work with someone at home to complete the Healing Tree chart below.

Level 1:  Give one cause for your good thing and one effect of your good thing. 

Level 2:  Give two causes for your good thing and two effects of your good thing.  

Level 1:  Give three causes for your good thing and three effects of your good thing.  

Folks at home sign: _____________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.

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