
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Homework: November 29 and 30th

Final Day of Outsiders!!

We have been working with Ms. Stillwagon's class to create trading cards for each of the characters from The Outsiders.

For homework:  All Levels

November 29:  Create a trading card for yourself.  Which trait best represents you!

For example:  We said Johnny was LOYAL.

Be sure to include at least one reason why this trait best fits you!

Level 2 and 3: Provide an example from your life to support your thinking. 

Folks at home please sign: _____________________ 

November 30:  Create a trading card for a family member or friend.  Which trait best represent them!

For example:  Ms. Stillwagon is CREATIVE

Be sure to include at least one reason why this trait best fits your friend/family member.

Level 2 and 3: Provide an example from your life to support your thinking.  

Folks at home please sign: _____________________

Monday, November 27, 2017

Homework: Monday 11.27 and Tuesday 11.28

Hello All,

Happy last week of November!

For homework this week: Work with someone from home.

Below is a list of statements.  We have discussed many of the statements in class. 

Folks at home please sign:___________________

Level 1: For Monday and Tuesday
Pick one statement per day. 
State if you agree or disagree.  Give your reason why. 
Ask a friend or family member if they agree or disagree with the same statement. Be sure you ask why!
** Please write down the number the of the statement you are working with.

Level 2: For Monday and Tuesday
Pick two statements per day. 
State if you agree or disagree.  Give your reason why. 
Ask a friend or family member if they agree or disagree with the same statements. Be sure you ask why!
**Please write down the number of the statements you are working with.

Level 3: For Monday and Tuesday
Pick three statements per day. 
State if you agree or disagree.  Give your reason why. 
Ask a friend or family member if they agree or disagree with the same statements. Be sure you ask why!
**Please write down the number of the statements you are working with.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Homework: Week of November 13

Homework: November 13

Hello All,

Happy Parent Teacher Conference!

Today we continued to discuss motivation.  In Mr. Padilla's class, he discussed the following quote:

"Never make a decision when you're angry and never make a promise when you're happy."

Our emotions drive our behavior.  When we are feeling happy, we are nice and kind to others.  When we are feeling low, we tend to attack and make others feel low as well.

Level 1:  
What do you do when you are feeling angry?

Level 2:
What do you do when you are feeling angry?
Is your way of handling anger positive or negative?

Level 3:
What do you do when you are feeling angry?
Is your way of handling anger positive or negative?
What are some strategies you use to calm down when you are feeling angry?

Folks at home please sign: _______________________

Please complete 15 of IXL daily. 

Friday, November 10, 2017

Homework: November 10

Hello Everyone!

Happy Friday and Happy Veteran's Day!

Today we discussed Needs and Wants.

A NEED is something that you need to survive.  For example: Food

A WANT is something you would like.   For example: Ice cream

Everyone's needs and wants may be different.

All Levels: Work with someone at home to complete the chart.  You fill it out and ask someone at home to also fill it out.

Level 1:
How are your needs and wants the same as your family member?
How are your needs and wants different than your family member?

Level 2:
How are your needs and wants the same and different from your family member? Why might your needs be the same but your wants different?
Level 3:
Compare your needs and wants to those of a family member.  Why might your needs be similar but your wants different?

Folks at home please sign: ____________________________

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Homework: November 9

Hello All,

We have started reading The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton.  This week we have been focusing on character motivation. 


Level 1:
1. What is motivation?
2. Who/what motivates you?  Why?

Level 2
1. What is motivation?
2. Who/what motivates you?  Why?
3. Why did the author of The Outsiders use her initials?  

Level 3:
1. What is motivation?
2. What is motivation important? 

3. Who/what motivates you?  Why?
4. What motivated the author of The Outsiders use her initials?  

Folks at home please sign: ______________________

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Wednesday: November 1

Moments of GRATITUDE.

Check out Mary Maddux Meditation Oasis.  I really like #18, Gratitude Meditation.

Today take time you tell your friends and family three things you are grateful for.  Ask them to share as well.

Today we started The Outsiders, a book about family, loyalty, and growing up. 

Level 1: 
What do you want to do when you finish high school?
What is one skill you need to meet this goal?

Level 2:
What do you want to do when you finish high school?
What is one skill you need to meet this goal?
Who can help you meet this goal?

Level 3:
What do you want to do when you finish high school?
What is one skill you need to meet this goal?
Who can help you meed this goal?
What is a challenge you may face meeting this goal? 

Folks at home please sign: ___________________________