
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Homework: November 29 and 30th

Final Day of Outsiders!!

We have been working with Ms. Stillwagon's class to create trading cards for each of the characters from The Outsiders.

For homework:  All Levels

November 29:  Create a trading card for yourself.  Which trait best represents you!

For example:  We said Johnny was LOYAL.

Be sure to include at least one reason why this trait best fits you!

Level 2 and 3: Provide an example from your life to support your thinking. 

Folks at home please sign: _____________________ 

November 30:  Create a trading card for a family member or friend.  Which trait best represent them!

For example:  Ms. Stillwagon is CREATIVE

Be sure to include at least one reason why this trait best fits your friend/family member.

Level 2 and 3: Provide an example from your life to support your thinking.  

Folks at home please sign: _____________________

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