
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Wednesday: November 1

Moments of GRATITUDE.

Check out Mary Maddux Meditation Oasis.  I really like #18, Gratitude Meditation.

Today take time you tell your friends and family three things you are grateful for.  Ask them to share as well.

Today we started The Outsiders, a book about family, loyalty, and growing up. 

Level 1: 
What do you want to do when you finish high school?
What is one skill you need to meet this goal?

Level 2:
What do you want to do when you finish high school?
What is one skill you need to meet this goal?
Who can help you meet this goal?

Level 3:
What do you want to do when you finish high school?
What is one skill you need to meet this goal?
Who can help you meed this goal?
What is a challenge you may face meeting this goal? 

Folks at home please sign: ___________________________

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