
Friday, October 2, 2015

Homework: Oct 2

Homework: October 2                                                                  

Hello Everyone!  Welcome to day 2 of Of Mice and Men.

For Homework:  Read the section of text below.    Use the text to answer the following questions:

How did George know that Lennie went for the mouse?
Why won’t George let Lennie keep the mouse?
Why does Lennie want the mouse?

Level 1: Lennie lumbered to his feet and disappeared in the brush. There were sounds of splashings down the river in the direction Lennie had taken.  In a moment Lennie came crashing back through the brush. George sat up.

"Awright," he said brusquely. "Gi'me that mouse!"

 "What mouse, George? I ain't got no mouse."

George held out his hand. "Come on. Give it to me. You ain't puttin' nothing over."

Lennie reluctantly reached into his pocket. His voice broke a
"I don't know why I can't keep it. It ain't nobody's mouse.
I didn't steal it. I found it lyin' right beside the road. I wasn't doin' nothing bad with it, George. Jus' strokin' it."

Level 2: Lennie disappeared in the brush. There were sounds of splashings down the river.  In a moment Lennie came crashing back through the brush. George sat up.

"Gi'me that mouse!"

 "What mouse, George? I ain't got no mouse."

George held out his hand. "Come on. Give it to me.”

Lennie  reached into his pocket. "I don't know why I can't keep it. I wasn't doin' nothing bad with it, George. Jus' strokin' it."

Level 3: Lennie disappeared in the brush. George sat up.

"Gi'me that mouse!"

 "What mouse, George?

George held out his hand. "Come on. Give it to me.”

Lennie  reached into his pocket. "I don't know why I can't keep it.

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