
Friday, October 16, 2015

Homework: October 16

Hello Everyone!

Today we reviewed what we have done in class so far.  We looked at vocabulary words, story details form Of Mice and Men and concepts that you have learned in other classes.

Today we also selected classroom leaders.  I am proud of how well you all handled yourselves.

Monday classroom leaders will need to be in class on time and start your responsibilities.

For Homework: All Levels 

In class we  discussed how Arnold and Candy are similar (both had to have their dogs put down because they were sick).

Pick one character from Of Mice and Men that you feel you are SIMILAR to. 

1.) Who is your character?
2.) How are you similar? (Tell me why)

Level 1: One similarity
Level 2: Two similarities
Level 3: Three similarities

Folks at home sign: _____________________________________

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