
Monday, October 5, 2015

Homework: October 5-9

This week we are taking a look at homelessness.  Today we discussed the author’s use of words to reveal setting.

Read/look at the pictures of the article found here:

Level  1: In your own words, describe the setting of Arizona. 

Level 2: Read the first two paragraphs of the article.  What picture does the author paint in your head with the words she choose?

Level 3: Think about your favorite place.  Modeling the descriptive language found in the article, write a paragraph (3-5 sentence) describing this place.
For homework:
Look at the picture above.
Knowing what you know about the great depression, answer the following questions.

Level 1:
What do you think this child is thinking about?

Level 2:
What worries do you think this child has?  How do you know?

Level 3:
Compare the worries of this child to worries of children today.  Are they similar?  Different?  Why?

Listen to the story found at the link below:

Level 1: Read the section below.
“O'Connell has been caring for Boston's homeless, since 1985. He says that homeless patients suffer from the same illnesses as the general population — with one difference. "What we see ... are issues that have been neglected for years and years.”

What does this let you know about the health of Boston’s homeless?

Level 2: What did Dr. O’Connell do his first two months of his work?   Why?

Level 3:  What is your suggestion on how to help the homeless here in NYC? 
Listen to the story found at the link below:

Level 1:
What are ways schools could help the homeless youth of today?

Level 2: 
What are ways schools could help the homeless youth of today?

What does the program School on Wheels do?

Level 3:
Why are children and youth  called the hidden homeless?

Why do the children chant “Kids coming through”?

What are ways schools could help the homeless youth of today?

Many times when we see someone who is homeless on the street or on the subway we look the other and pretend we do not see.  Children under 18 accounted for 39% of the homeless population.  Of that number, approximately 42% were younger than age 5. (Safe Horizons)

For Homework:


Yesterday we looked at Railway boys, teens who are homeless who would ride train cars from place to place looking for food and work. 

Talk with your family and friends and generate a list of suggestions we can do to help youth that may be homeless in our communities.

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