
Thursday, April 20, 2017

Homework: April 20

Hello Everyone!

Today we finished reading Who Knows Me But Me by Jimmy Sanitago Baca.

For Homework:  Work with someone at home to read the section of poem below.

I cannot fly or make something appear in my hand,
I cannot make the heavens open or the earth tremble,
I can live with myself, and I am amazed at myself, my love, my beauty,

Level 1:  
Name two things you can't do.
Name one thing you love about yourself.  

Level 2: Fill in the blank

I cannot _____________or _________________,
I can live with _____________,  and I am amazed at ____________, 

Level 3: Fill in the blank

I cannot _____________or _________________,
I cannot make __________or ________________,
I can live with _____________,  and I am amazed at ____________, my __________, my ___________

Folks at home sign: ________________

Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.

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