
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Homework: April 5

 Hello Everyone!

Today we began looking at the reasons why Walter Dean Myers writes and he need for a role model.
For Homework:  Read the section below about Walter Dean Myers.  Answer the questions below. 

Meet the Author: Walter Dean Myers
As a teenage African American in Harlem in the 1950s, Myers didn't have many public role models to look up to. He knew that he loved to read and write.  As an adult, Myers eventually entered a contest for writers of picture books. He won the contest and went on to write several more picture books. Later, he began to publish young adult novels.  He writes mostly for young people because, he says, "The young adult and middle grade periods of my life were so vivid and, in looking back, so influential in how I would live the rest of my life.

Level 1:  Who is someone you admire?  How do they help motivate you?

Level 2: Who is someone you admire?  What do they do to support you and motivate you to achieve greatness?

Level 3: Who is someone you admire?  What do they do to support you and motivate you to achieve greatness?  How have they overcome their challenges?

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