
Thursday, April 6, 2017

Homework: April 6

Hello Everyone!

Today we continued to work on our Bio-Poem.  

For Homework:  Work with someone at home to create a bio-poem about a family member.

Use the template below to help write the poem.

Level 1:
Line 1: First name

Line 2: Three traits that describe the character

Line 3: Relative of _____________________

Line 4: Lover of (one thing ________________

Line 5: Who feels (one thing ________________

Line 6: Who needs (one thing) ________________

Line 7: Who fears (one thing) ________________

Line 8: Who gives (one thing) ________________

Line 9: Who would like to see (one thing) ________________

Line 10: Resident of_______________________

Line 11: Last name

Level 2:

Line 1: First name

Line 2: Three traits that describe the character

Line 3: Relative of _____________________

Line 4: Lover of (two things) ________________

Line 5: Who feels (two things) ________________

Line 6: Who needs (two things) ________________

Line 7: Who fears (two things) ________________

Line 8: Who gives (two things) ________________

Line 9: Who would like to see (two things) ________________

Line 10: Resident of_______________________

Line 11: Last name

Level 3: 

Line 1: First name

Line 2: Three traits that describe the character

Line 3: Relative of _____________________

Line 4: Lover of (three things) ________________

Line 5: Who feels (three things) ________________

Line 6: Who needs (three things) ________________

Line 7: Who fears (three things) ________________

Line 8: Who gives (three things) ________________

Line 9: Who would like to see (three things) ________________

Line 10: Resident of_______________________

Line 11: Last name

Folks at home please sign: __________________
Please complete 20 minutes of IXL daily.

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